So about lunch time it looked like the monsoons were finally moving out and A quick check of the radar confirmed that thought.
Since I haven't been able to get on any lake for a bit, I decided to give it a try. Wife and I loaded up and headed out. Seems I wasn't the only one that was tired of all this rain as there was quite a line at the ramp and we had to wait a good bit to launch.
We finally made it on the water and poles in around 2 pm. WT was 67, and the lake was stained, but not as muddy as I expected.
The only pattern I was able to figure out was there wasn't a pattern, at least not for me. I used Pico's, Bandit's, a bomber, and some hand painted 733's, and caught fish on several colors. The only one that stood out was a chrome/blue bandit, but it certainly wasn't by much. Dark red was probably second. Good fish were very scattered. Caught little ones everywhere but good ones were few and far between. We fished both ends and the middle at several depths, but couldn't figure out anything solid. Left around 7 and ended up with only 11 decent fish between 11-13 inches.
Still better than sitting inside watching it rain!