Went driving around the res. yesterday. Poor Missy is in bad shape. To start 21' over summer pool, water mud brown and full of trash, debris. and trees. The amount of soda bottles and styrofoam cups I saw mixed in with the bark and sticks was unbelievable; anyone remember Woodsy the Owl ? Large logs and thick debris blocked the ramps, might get a boat in but would be hard to get it back out. For those who are familiar with the 1812 area the water was up to the edge of the road that runs parallel to the river. The whole battle field area is under water. The Wabash is just under flood stage at around 12' so they are not letting much out at all. Could be a month before things get to normal again. Had a good couple of weeks in early April, but looks to be done for now. Just thought I'd share.