Lake Lemon was normal pool. Pure Muddy. Water temp started out this morning 51 with avg. temp 52.5. I did find 54.5 at shallow upper end, but it was muddier there than anywhere else. I never could find any fish on electronics from 8’ or shallower. Pulled jigs as well as pushed. There was 8-10 other boats fishing and when we ran into each other, nobody was catching anything as fish had lock jaw and were primarily 8-10 ft deeper even and if you fished near main river channel in lake, that was where the fish were along with bait balls. Pushing jigs 8’ or deeper, I could see my jigs and ran them above and thru the fish on the Mega 9 and only picked up 2 small bass and no crappies at all. 2 weeks ago in 42degree water I caught 8 small ones before getting blowed off the lake and lasted 6 hrs today as boat control totally sucked in the gusting wind. Fish just haven’t moved up as even the minnow fishermen on the bank were’t catching crap either. And I even jigged some tree tops, points, humps, and rock piles casting half doz. diff. Types of jigs, some loaded with crappie nibbles and dunked in Slab sauce, but nothing would work for me. Just one of those days of wind and great warm air temp finally. Things will get better but when it finally warms up it’s going to happen quick as late as it is.

Went across causeway of Monroe on way home and as far as I could see in main lake it and above Cutright was pure mud. Lake was whitecapping 2-3’ with rollers in main lake. It’s up 12.8 ft and they just started letting out but only 1000 cfs. Hopefully we don’t get a lot of rain and they might be able to crack it wide open to bring it down. I did not see one boat on it anywhere going across causeway, but I am sure there had to be people fishing it out of the wind.