This is something I posted on my site a few months back...........

I am fortunate to live in a place that is abundant with wildlife. The other evening I was sitting on the front porch sucking on a barley pop and just taking everything in. To my left I watched three big does graze on something in the fence row. As I was watching them, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. My attention went to the fence row across the road. And there he was...........very pretty %&*@ pheasant strutting his way to the west...........watched him go down the road and smiled! Headed to the backyard to check on the status of my "big garden" and then headed on up North to the corner of my old barnyard to sneak a peak at McPherson Lake. Once arriving there I started watching the geese in the field, then noticed some turkeys scratching around(the old man wont like that!). I once again smiled and headed back to the front porch when I heard it............a sound that I dont hear very often.

I knew what it was from the get go. I grabbed another beer and returned to my chair on the porch and listened. Then I started "whistling" back..........helluva conversation me and that bird had for about 30 minutes!

Darkness soon fell upon my home, I came inside and started reflecting on the past few hours events. I had seen deer, a pheasant, geese, and turkeys............but that unseen bird making that whistling sound was the highlight of the day for me........because it was what I call a "bobwhite".

It got me to thinking(never a good thing)...........I had seen things in the past few hours that were very uncommon to see 30 years ago around here. But the one thing that was......quail...........aint very common anymore.

Why is that?