I managed to get out last weekend. The temps broke on Friday night and the morning temp was mid 70's. It was nice. I caught a ton of off species fish. Just about everything but Crappie. Then around 10am the temps started to climb and even the off species dropped off. Around 11am Clouds rolled in. Dark clouds and looked like it was about to rain. The air temps dropped, almost needed a jacket. I could hear thunder way off in the distance. But the Crappie got after it. Ended up spider rigging between two fish cribs. They were scattered between the cribs. Nothing on the cribs was hitting, but off and between those two cribs I was getting bit. It was great. Caught my limit pretty quick.

Basement remodel update- all the plumbing, electrical, etc is done, walls are framed, and drywall has been hung. Time to mud and tape.

Thanks for the prayers.