You C.C folks are great!! Talked directly to Wayne (FishK3) lastnight and he is doing exceptionally WELL!! The only reason he is still in ICU is because they can't find a place to put him yet no open rooms but that has probably changed by this morning. Everything went real well with his brain surgery on Tuesday. He wasn't sure how large of a hole they put in his head to draw out the 1" diameter absess but he did know that they got it all and the part of the brain they went through to get it has to do with your eye sight. He said I couldn't see real well before but it wasn't worse nor was it better so that was good. So, with alot of therapy to get his strength back and recooperation he should definately be ready to catch those whites 2 at a time by this fall for sure if not sooner.

Thanks again for all the prayers,

Steve Mathine