For those of you that know him, Wayne Benson (aka on here as FishK3) has been in and out of hospitals for various things it seems like the past couple of years. Recently in the past couple of weeks things have progressed rapidly for the worse. I found out last night that he is going to have yet another surgery only this time it is brain surgery. He found out that he had a spot on one of his lungs that they diagnosed as a Fungal abscess. When the docs realized that this is what it was, they immediately did a cat scan on his brain and found a 1" diameter fungal abscess in the left lower back of his brain. When they are this big they can't treat them with medicine so they have to go in and remove. The one on his lung they can treat without removal. He will be operated on Tuesday, June 11th. It sounds as if this came about because most everyone has a immune system that can fight this off so it never develops but with Wayne's issues this isn't happening. I'll try to keep everyone posted as things develop.

Thanks in advance for all thoughts and prayers!!

Steve Mathine