Hi all,

Been "lurking" on this site for a while and thought it wastime I join up. This is a great message board and I've enjoyed reading your Posts.

I live in a small town in Ontario. fenelon Falls. That's where my handle comes from. I use it on other boards as well. Well I spemd time fishing for several species, I have recently become facinated with crappies. They have been introduced to the chain of lakes in this area. There is no ice fishing on these lakes because of the oressure they get during the summermonths.

However, I recently discovered a lake not too far that holds a decent populaion of crappies. It tool some searchin and drilling, but manged a nice mess of slabs. I took my family (wife and two boys) back the next saturday and did it again.

Looking forward to posting with you.

Tight Lines,