Have become so addicted to the Thump that lost interest in deer hunting. That and the fact my son's crew has become very proficient in killing deer. They got two in new gun doe season that opened in october, then 7 in first weekend, then when my son went back for next weekend buddy called and said he had a place loaded with too many and was culling does so we got 3 that way. Have lots o meat with no effort but hosting my sons and ketchn crappie to feed them and to give to my buddy who gives me deer and elk meat. I love to cook/eat venison and make sure my kids get what they need too. Nice when your son and his crew do great job of processing it all.

But man did I whack me some crappie while they were hunting and that's how I roll now. That and ketchn Trout MDC stocks near my place in STL.

Have always been a .270 guy with standard core lock ammo. Never had any trouble dropping deer with well placed shots. Boys used to need me to be go to deer killer but they have finally listened to me about where to go and what to do and are getting it done without me. I just play host and that's just fine with me.