Anyone here use feist dogs for squirrel hunting? I’ve seen a ton of videos on it and I’m very very interested. I found a guy local who hunts with them and just had a litter. They will be ready to bring home in the next 2-4 weeks. I’ve never trained a hunting dog before. Does anyone here have experience with these dogs or have any tips to get me started? The guy who has the pups says he hunts with both the mom and dad of the pups. I’m getting a male (I’ve only every had female dogs and want a male now). I’ve got a ton of questions, but don’t know anyone local (except for this guy) who has any or uses them. I’ve heard the best way to train them is to let them run with other dogs who know what they are doing, but again, don’t know anyone. Any advice y’all got would be much appreciated!

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