had coon dog that ran with me when i was a kid walking all over the big ranches i wandered around in . she would run and tree about anything . one fine day the rancher was on his way to feed and check his cattle some 30 miles off the pavement and while we talked she went into a got something treed hollar .
he said wonder what "Bell" has treed today , not much telling was my response , asked if I wanted to ride in his truck over that way and see what she had up the tree , said she sounded a bit different to him that day
sure lets go said me , we went about a mile up a goat trail road thru the trees , to a large pasture and the second we cleared the woodline , we both saw the lion jump the tree , it left so fast it was hard to imagine with Bell of course in hot pursuit . there was no doubt about it being a lion as the tail on them things is as long as the cat , it looked to be a young one as it wasn't any larger than that big ole bluetick hot on it.
never seen it again and an hour or 2 later Bell showed back up as the norm, looking a little winded but good to keep going as always .
she was retired coonhound given to me and her ears looked like dreadlocks , she was sure enough one tough ole gal ....