I have one purchased from a pawn Shop -- been a pretty good gun, and after I bought it I heard it was prone to jams and ejection problems .... This Simi auto has Ram bolt type ejection and Lubrication is a must to operate correctly... Mine has enough wear on its action parts looks like it saw Action in WW II

A Friend has a newer 7400 Rem that he let someone borrow -- he left it with me to look at.. It would Jam 9 out of 10 times ,, not Eject shells when it would shoot ----- worse the Scope does not seem to Pattern shots , no grouping . Then he noticed the Barrel swollen under the Front sight --- and he was correct... It looks like this Gun was dropped from a Tree Stand and the Barrel was full of dirt and Fired .... the Bore at the end of the Barrel is 2 Thousands over sized .... I found a Burr on the Cam Follower from the Clip gouging the Ram Bolt action and think have solved the Issue with Jamming .... will this Gun have to have a New Barrel --- and how much does it Cost to replace the Barrel and Labor .... Thanks