So me & a bud have a hunting lease off SR46, we have had a hog problem the last 2 years & it seems worse this year,
not quite as bad as Ketchn.
We really only bow hunt it as that is what the land owner has requested & it is very thick woods, no open fields at all.
Since they move at night mostly and shooting them 1 by 1 can take a while we asked if we could put a trap out.
The landowner agreed and said to remove as many as you want. My old trap had fallen apart & was beyond repair, so I bought a new one and set it up. At first, we left doors propped open & let them go in and out for a few days. Then with a special homemade
corn mix attractant, we set the trap & BAM the next morning 4 little piggies got caught. We have a lot more to catch and
I'm sure some will nearly be impossible to trap & will have to be hunted but it's a start to try to end the nuisance.
These should be tasty and all were sows so I look forward to eating them as well.
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