Many moons ago some maybe 10 plus a few I was invited to Kodiak island to hunt black tail deer . We also did several other things while we were there including ketchn fish .
Most everywhere you travel is by pane or boat or bear trail . Mainland Alaska is similar but with a few more roads .
Anyway on with the story , we flew into 2 different locations 2 different days . One location was the main island of Kodiak and the second was a remote island close by .We hunted black tail deer and to be sure it was about as rugged hunting as you have ever done . Hike forever in really rough terrain to get high enough in the mountains to find them and then sit and glass for a subject worth a million yard stalk .
The islands are flat out loaded with them and they are rather small deer about the size of Texas hill country whitetails . Everyone packs a cannon as the Kodiak browns are known to come visit fresh kills . I carried a 458 Remington the lodge owner told me would be the best choice and man where the shells large in that thing .
We flew into both spots on a beaver that had a pilot that was just about all that .He would drop us at a designated location and return to pick us up at a agreed upon time .
The hunts were fun for sure and the deer really don't know what a human is and don't see them as a threat . Several different doe came up close enough to just about pet and gave us a sniff .
Anyway one of us took a buck on the 3 man hunt (not me) and we hunted 2 men one day and 3 men the second. Because the law says you pack out your kill and we were not meat hungry we decided not to take any doe.
Hope you enjoy the photos and story have a great day