Folks, We have a member here who most of us know. I wont mention his name, but I will say he is in this years calendar. A great young man. Not real sure of his complete plight, but during a conversation with him, after He gave me some duck feathers, I learned he was wanting to get into tying jigs, as he was saving feathers from a couple hunts. Well, it turns out, he didn't have anything to tie with. I looked around and found him a vice, and a bobbin and whip finnisher also. I got them in the mail going his way lickety split.
Now I'm working on getting some other tying material together so I can get it to him. I have way more than I'll use of some things and am going to get them to him, even though he said I did to much already. Now, this young man has had some setbacks from medical problems, and has a family, and don't think he can work yet, so I felt, Hey, I've been helped by many along the way, and am just paying it forward. I was thinking there MIGHT be others interested in helping him out. If you are let me know, and I'll get you his info. He has no idea I'm posting this, till he reads it. I just want to help him out.