Just a note to mention the Kingdom Work my wife and I involved ourselves in which we call our Mobile Home Ministry. Found an elderly lady living in absolute squalor and filth in a bug, snake and critter infested mobile home. We got an old mobile home and used our retirement savings to gut and rebuild it from the floors up entirely for her.

It is is such a rewarding feeling and if one looks out their windows while driving to the lakes to fish you will see a real need right in our own backyards. We have a list of folks who we help with firewood, fill outdoor burners, wood stoves, mow grass, weed eat and really do what needs to be done that are within our abilities.

God is good and has blessed us with a strong marriage, faith and different ministries that we use to help grow God’s kingdom here on earth. I encourage everyone who reads this post to take a stab at it now matter how small the deed. It can be as simple as praying with a stranger who may be down, buying a meal for a stranger at a restaurant, the possibilities are endless.

As a veteran I issued to tell my troops “pick up your ruck and follow me” and I think it applies here as well.

May God Bless you all. JS