I thought I'd let you know about a new web site I opened, if you have not heard about it already from the main board.

I opened BaitshopGuide.com as a place to list bait shops, in an effort to help fishermen find good bait shops. It allows fishermen to rate bait shops, and it provides an outlet for bait shops to get their name out to fishermen.

I need your help to make this site an accurate resource for all to use. Please take a look at the bait shops in your state, check them for accuracy, and if you have an opinion about one, please rate them. Yes you have to sign up, but it's a quick process.

If you know of a missing bait shop, also please post it here, and I will add it. To add a bait shop, I'll need their name, address, phone number, and website name if they have one. Plus any other information you might have about the shop.

If you review a bait shop on baitshopguide.com, or provide information to add a bait shop, I will send you the following decal and a Crappie.com decal free. Just PM me your address after you submit the review/baitshop and I'll mail them to you.

The "I'd rather be crappie fishing" decal is an outside of glass decal. It's not white on black, it just looks that way in the picture. It's just the white letters. It's applied with transfer paper. You take the sticker off the paper, leaving it on the transfer paper, and then you apply the transfer paper to the window, peel the transfer paper off the window, leaving the sticker applied to the window. You know that kind. Ask me about it if you have questions.

Thank you all for your help.