I have never fully pursued just bream. I have read a good bit on catching them, but not much on the how to. Is it just a stumble on them by beating the banks and then just sit on them till they quit? I know that since the side imaging game has started that finding a bed is a little easier. I don't have side imaging. How about a few pointers on things like:

Water depth and parts of the lake (creeks, main lake, river parts of a lake, etc.)

Species specific technique (crackers, gills, redbreast) and rig type (split shot & worm tight lined or laying on bottom, float and worm/cricket, beetle spin type baits and color)

How to not spook a bed or how to approach fishing a bed (outside first, start on deeper side.....)

How do you target them when they are not on the beds?

Is it really just you got to know "where" from past experience or a tip from a friend?