HelloI started fishing late in life. Never fished much as a kid. A few years ago I thought I would give crappie fishing a try in our nearby lake. After a few unsuccessful attempts I accidentally got on a school of crappie and caught 30 to 40 fish in an hour or so and had a blast. Got enthused and got discouraged several times in the years since. I'm back to being enthused and trying to learn what I can to become more successful at finding those schools of crappie. I fish a little lake 30 minutes from my home in southeast Missouri. A lake called Wappapello. It seems like Wappapello is a little unique in that there are no weed lines and it's pretty shallow with the exception of the main river channel. Most articles and youtube videos don't seem to apply to the Wap.

I'm hoping with some time out on the water and some tips from some expert crappie enthusiast here, maybe I can increase my catch rates from 3 to 4 fish a trip into the double digits.

I have a Helix 9 Gen4 Side imaging, but I'm not real confident if what I think is crappie on the screen is actually crappie. I've fished spots I thought were loaded with crappie per the side imaging but didn't catch anything.

Hoping to post some of my screen shots here and get some feedback from people who know what they're looking at and hopefully some members here have posted some side imaging screenshots I can look at.