I am a fairly new member here. Maybe a month or so. Not sure if this is in the right spot or not. But here goes anyway. I'm not really sure why I'm even saying all this, other than to clear the air a bit. I have seen where a few folks get upset 'cause some folks just cruise around and only read the threads and replies and not really put their two bits in, nor post pic,s. Well I am guilty of that myself. See I am still recovering from the devastation of colon cancer and surgery. Thankfully when the DR.'s removed 90% of my colon they got it all out. Spent 10 weeks in hospital, before being released. Only to get home and find not only my wife and family gone, but all my possesions with them. So I wound up here in Florida at my sister's place till I can get back on my feet. No I'm not looking for sympathy, but I'm not posting picture's or writeing report's of fishing trips frankly because I haven't been since before my surgery. Still trying to put thing's back together. However I really do feel closer to my one passion of fishing by just reading all your all's post's and reports. Have learned a lot on this site from some really good people. I'll end this as it's getting a bit long. If your still reading this far, thank you for listening to a older than some, but younger than others man who just enjoys fishing and the closeness of friends, ( whether or not you realized you were one or not ). Thank you all, and I promise as soon as I can get back out their there will be some picture's and reports from me. Thanks again. Eric 3501