Hi everyone,

I am a newbe here, and somewhat new to crappie fishing. I have always been a bass fisherman and only targeted crappie a couple times a year for a fish fry.
I have spent a lot of time searching for BIG bass.

Long story short. I am trying to expand my horizons. Searching for the next huge bass has gotten old and lost a lot of it's allure.

I have downsized recently. I still fish from the big boats with 8 rods on board and all that, but recently I got myself a nice fishing kayak and take out only my ultralight and a small tackle box. I have a BLAST catching any size fish, some crappie and perch, mostly bluegill, and ocasionally i'll get a really nice bass in the process too. (Who says big bass only bit on big baits!)

Anyway, I'm not a very good crappie fisherman yet. So i'm here to try to learn from all of you.

Thanks in advance for all the help I am sure to recieve.