Haven't been here in awhile, as you know my wife passed, and then I had triple bypass, went through long period of depression etc, etc .....
Don't do much anymore, just watch Tick-Tok videos and U-tube videos on the computer ... Crank boat up once in awhile just to keep her in shape.
Did try to start the season off this year (last Oct) in lake Harney = found a nice place where I could pull in some nice ones, then the weather got
bad and stayed bad for a month (my boat can't handle big wind ) etc .... and, by the time I got back to my spot = couldn't even buy a bite ... ! ! !
So, kinda gave it up etc, etc ........ Didn't do any shrimping either ....... Guess I'm on the downhill slide nowdays ........
Anybody interested in buying my boat, let me know .............
Just wanted to say "Hi", ya'll take care, etc, etc, etc ...........