So how many here were surprised by the death of Jimmy Buffet and the way in which he died?
How many had even heard of the type of skin cancer that caused his death?
I know that i for one had never heard the name of Merkel cell cancer.
Obviously it is a very deadly form of that disease.
Having worked outdoors my entire life ive been at least somewhat aware of skin cancer.
And with now living in Florida for several decades and coupled with my age im even more aware of it.
I have 2 yearly checkups with a Dermatologist, and they sometimes lead to more visits in order to deal with issues.
But frankly this incident has gotten my attention.
I dont ever use sun screen, as i dont like being even slightly sticky.
But i do wear proper clothing in order to cover up as much as possible, including the fingerless gloves.
And i have for the last 5 or so years been using a beach umbrella above my head.
We should all be concerned about this, and become more aware of our own health as it is related to the sun.