This dr only studies the pancreas. so if it is not the pancreas onward to other organ drs--omg.i am living on nothing but all vitamin pills from the drug store, iv of iron every 3 months or so, b12 shots every 2 weeks or so, and a couple pills every time i put anything in my mouth so i can produce vitamins iron etc out of what i eat.Anytime somebody mentions malabsorption to you pray for them----------missed all crappie season first time in 30 years i have lived here on the apopka beauclaire canal------no crappie in the freezer first time in 3o years----------omg will i make it through the summer without a cappie to fry?? we see!!!
Am i miserable? Yes! Mike and Sylvia moved down the road from me over a year ago, havent even seen them yet--how bad is that?

Ok! pray for Tuesday i get some answers.Miss You All!! and TITE LINES