I got up at 6am hoping to leave the house with out waking my lady. It didn't work. she got up just before the alarm went off and check to make sure I was up. She started the coffee as I hooked up the boat. We enjoyed the first cup together then I headed to the ramp.

I was there before 7am but the lot was half full and I was 5th in line to launch. I headed out. I could see lots of boats working the open water. It was the start of a beautiful morning.

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I swung wide to pick a spot to set up my drift. The wind will be a factor today so I took that into consideration as I set up. But for now, it was a calm morning.

I made a pass with the wind at my back but the fish were not coming out to play. Need to change things up. The water temperature was down from what it was, maybe the fish have moved in closer to shore. I change course and head towards the shore line. The wind has picked up and I now have some problems keeping the boat on track. The shore line should help break the wind. I move closer.

Finally a rod goes off. It's a small striper. I continue to move through the area looking for a break from the wind and some crappies . I don't find neither. But I pick up some more small stripes. I look around, everyone else has left the area. Oh well, these little ones are fun to play with. Then a rod takes a hard bend and starts to bounce in the rod holder. This fish has a little better size to it. After a few runs I bring on board a keeper striper. One in the box. While I was playing with the big brother, several smaller ones decided to join in and play along with each other. Oh what a tangled mess. By the time I get everything straightened out, I am way out of the area I was working. But not to worry, a rod goes off. Finally, my first crappie of the day, all 8 inches of her. She goes back in the water.

I point the bow towards the ramp. It's not that late but I'm not doing that good. I'll work my was back in.

As I work my way through the "striper area" the rods start doing their dance again. This time I am able to keep them from making that tangled mess again and I even add another keep to the box. Blackened Striper coming up. My lady will be happy about that. I move back closer to the shore line, looking for that break from the wind. Not a bad move, the stripers were in here too. Several small ones and another keeper. By now I am getting close to the ramp so I move out into open water to pull the rods. It was a fun morning. I had a lot of action, even got a meal ( not the one I was expecting, but still a good meal ). I had 6 rods out today, I had slowed to a slow troll to keep the lines clear. Four rods were already stowed when #5 rod goes off. My second crappie of the day. Its on the small side so it goes back to do some more growing.

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Until the next time, tight lines and full nets. And stay safe !!

See you on the water.
