Yep, we've all heard it before...Man, shoulda been here yesterday, If we had only gotten here @sunrise, Should've tried another lake, Wonder why they didn't bite at this spot earlier, That's the straw that broke the camel's back etc. etc. Just this past Friday, after ending another fruitful, local, 1/2 day fishing trip, the always present Life's Timing analogy knocked somewhat "loudly". Semi-blocking the community entrance, an unfamiliar Pickup truck with it's driver's side door open peaked my curiosity. The apparent owner stood alone(not) about 15 feet onto the next door neighbor's grass with a 4' piece of 1 1/2" PVC. His 1st comment was "Are you hungry"? My curious gaze made it to ground level to discover what the PVC pipe's role was in this "timing" episode.Name:  20200626_212710_resized.jpg
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Size:  95.8 KB Eastern Diamond Rattler(60" nose to tail-tip) was being secured to ground after Mike gave chase onto neighbor's lawn just 80 yards from my front door! He managed to get it back to roadside near his open-door Truck wherein my "Timing clock" plays in. The absolutely beautiful creature showed his skill level by rattling up a crescendo easily heard from 60 feet away. I snapped off a few camera-phone shots to capture "Really, how big was that fish? Got any pics?" unmistakable proof. The episode proceeded smoothly mainly due to Mike's knowledge and adeptness of handling poisonous snakes.Name:  20200626_212144_resized.jpg
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Size:  135.7 KB Neighbor Karen arrived shortly from her house to appraise the situation. Quick jaunt back to garage yielded Karen w/a Snake pole, 3 shovels, rake, weed eater, chain saw and a 4' axe, and a Bible Only after Mike was convinced I wanted to eat/tan this specimen was he willing to concede to Karen's adamant wish to SAVE the neighborhood!! Beheading(him) and skinning(us) was easily achieved on scene with fresh specimen.Name:  20200627_113052_resized.jpg
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Size:  79.8 KB While Karen easily maintained quadruple safe-distancing, I was able to "urge" her to at least touch the snake before we skinned it. She fairly easily complied(atta girl)! Also, inserted "you're gonna eat some right?" Yeppir. After taking my Google (now, what do I do) learning-curve turn, all is perfectly aligned. Only one neck-cut and an anal vent-opening marred the beautifully marked, rattle still attached,Name:  20200627_112848_resized.jpg
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Size:  54.9 KB fleshing/tanning "project"(tube sock). Today's itinerary included the welcomed next door delivery of Southern-fried rattlesnake. Both newbie opinions rated high end value, would easily do again. Somewhat chewy(gator/chicken) but easily doable/adventurous. -Name:  Resized_20200628_153522.jpg
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I plan to either fill tanned-skin w/salt per Mike or fill with sand for full mount w/ attached rattle. FYI, the rattle-tail "buttons" are hollow!! Made from Carotene(like our nails) they are added after each shed. This one had juvenile button on end w/9 other shed buttons(donut-shaped). The rattle sound is generated similar to a length of multiple chain links. Three tail muscles can vibrate the rattle up to 90 times per SECOND!! OMG! Whole lotta shakin' goin' on! I guess I can cross off this absolutely perfectly "timed" and conducted(thanks Mike) Life event from my bucket list. How has/will "Timing" affect your future? Always has & will play a role in our lives!

Another interesting note was Mike showing be both fangs, one of which had an extra point! Sorry no pic.
