Well made it down finally. Arrived in Astor Saturday afternoon. Rented a house on a canal right off St. John’s about a mile or so from lake George. House has a boat lift so went right away to put in boat. Greeted by not only game wardens but also sheriff’s dept boat and a coast guard boat right outside landing. Luckily they were busy with other boats and I made my way back to the house. Tried pulling jigs a little in the river late that afternoon but it was still crazy. Went early this morning and pulled cranks for a few hours with minimal luck. Did ride to lake George to take a quick look. Caught several huge bluegill this afternoon late. Found a deep hole on the river (35 foot) and it was stacked with fish as we came in right before dark. Assuming those were crappie. Will give them a try in the morning. What works best for crappie here this time of the year and would you recommend we stay in the river or venture to lake George? Thanks for any help. Sure is pretty down here.