We are taking this seriously but if one is using common sense and keeping their distancing between folks there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing what we do. IF one thinks about it in going to a bank or dock to do some fishing and not touching anything but your poles and the fish you ketch is NOT putting anyone including yourself in danger. it's the idiots who take their whole dang family to the store where they are touching produce, boxes and such who are.

even someone putting a boat in the water isn't being around anyone else or endangering anyone. Especially in FL where it has been HOT it isn't conducive to a virus staying alive in the outdoors. again those of us on this board arn't likely to do anything stupid especially if your not going into a store to buy minnows and such just bringing your box and supplies from home.

those of us with our boats on a dock can still visit with our friends while they are on the shore or their boat or dock and it's all good. Be careful out there for sure!