When’s the last time you thought about anything but greasing the bearing buddies? I’m guilty of this as the other woman was basically trouble free. The new boat had diet that included salt water and it had the issues that came with it. Bunk brackets last weekend gave me the chance to see just how it wasn’t maintained. Two of my six bunk supports did nothing, rusted in two. Looked at the spring setup and wasn’t impressed with those either, picked up the parts today. Also found that my new hub had a bad inner seal and got that as well. Tires in a few months will take care of the mechanical stuff and then I’ll rewire it with LED’s including marker lights. I usually solder my connections so the salt doesn’t bother them near as bad.

Take a few minutes and look yours over including looking for tire delamination or separation. Know a member that replaced 3 expensive good year marathon in a short time from this. Bad to have issues on the road when you can address them in the driveway if you pay attention.

And with it fast approaching, Merry Christmas everyone. Hope it’s a Crappie one