After fighting the wind this morning on Crescent, I was wore out. So I went and laid down on the porch in the hammock and had a well deserved nap. When I woke up, there were 4 or 5 boats out in the lake just out from our house. One of them was a bright red War Eagle and I thought "Oh My God"....Not Danbo But sure enough, it was Danbo and his entourage...Danbo, Fuzbo, Fredbo, Timbo and Timr and I don't know who all else was with them. About 5 or 6 boats of Bo's from GA...There has got to be a story as to why Danbo has so many body gaurds everytime he goes somewhere, but I have been scared to ask We are gonna try to keep these fellers down to a minimum roar while they are here, but Crescent aint gonna be the same!!!