Very cold day today at Talquin. I started out at 7:30 this morning by myself in 36 degree temps and 5mph winds. By 10am the winds were 10mph and the temp did not move up but 3 degrees. I caught 16 and was very cold by 10:30 so I went in. Eileen wanted to go out for a few hours so we did at 1:pm and caught another 12 fish by 3:30 when we called it a day. Some nice 13" plus fish today was caught on jigs, the same as the past 15 days in deep water. We had a great stay here at the whippoorwill lodge and caught lots of nice crappie. We averaged 36 fish a day with some days in the 60's and some in the teens. Thanks to Hooker and TNT for their part in helping me to learn the lake and how they do things. I got to say thanks for the lite-wire jigs Curtis, they sure help save some money on jigs. We will return next year for sure. Now on to Crescent for 15 days and hopefully some 2lb fish.

A set of twin 13" plus fish