Bought a new 126sv and 106sv ultra. After a week of no issues I'm using Active Captain App to register and update them, After a few days the 126 starts acting funny and then maps stops working. Getting error messages saying subscription not active and to connect active captain app to activate. After doing this it fixes the probem until the unit is powered off and powered up again problem returns. Ive had all Garmins for 10 years and never had an issue. I call the customer service number and get in line for a call back in 20 minutes. I'm suprised when the Garmin guy is an American that speaks english. He say he's never heard of this problem after telling him everything. He has me pull up a screen on the unit and give some info from it, Then he looks for any past problem like this from Garmins main system and nothing comes up. Says he needs to put me on hold to send the problem higher up the chain. 3 minutes later he says remove the active captain card from unit and do factory reset. Format the card b4 using it in the unit again because it has virous on it that came from my IPhone 11....Yep , it worked right after that. I got my phone checked and it did have virous on it. Got that fixed too. Hats off to a company that can find the problem even when it's not their problem. Everythings working as it should for 2 weeks now