I hope I haven't asked this before but still having issue with while livewell is pumping water into it (while on auto mode) the pump keeps making the breaker. And if your not paying attention you think the pump went off because the well is full, then later in the day you think I haven't heard the livewell pump in a while. You go to check it and it has no power. After searching for a bit you realize one of the breakers has tripped and you push it in to reset and it starts working again. It might work the rest of the day it might not. This has been going on since new but haven't had the time or gumption to drive it back to Dallas for warranty work. I have checked the wiring and the tubing of the pump. It is clear. Nothing in the pump. If you guys have any idea. Please I am open for suggestions. I was thinking for the price of gas driving to Dallas and it not being with me, just replace the pump.