I'm on my second fish finder and haven't a clue what it's telling me. Then again I have no idea what the first was telling me either. I have this one because it was on the boat when I got the boat. Have tried watching a bunch of you tube video's on them but usually loose interest in them fairly quick. Seem's people making them really need to eliminate all the boring stuff explaining things I could care less about and more on what the fish finder is telling me. The one I have now shows me two depth number's, I think that what they are. One really deep and the other shallow? What's with that? All that stuff on the bottom of the deal is just confusing as can be! Assuming the shallow number is the depth of water under me, I go by it. What's that other number for? Amazing when I found the occasional video I could follow, the guy doing it knew what all that junk was, how did he know? Really bad part for me is I though a finder would be easy to work. I spent 8 yrs in the AF as a Radar Tech but never saw anything like these thing's. Girlfriend told me it beep's when it see's a fish, I can't hear it. Does it really do that? And I assume it is showing an area right under the transducer but isn't it a cone shape? So what I'm looking at is something like 3 dimensional? Very frustrating!