OK here's the deal, I found what I thought was a pretty good deal on line on a GPS Fish Finder, that wasn't what it was made out to be and need some help to get it up and running. I got a Garmin GPSMAP 172, ( yes older but newer than I had), I was told it was complete...OK my mistake #1. It works as I've had it hooked to a battery. However all I received from this guy was the unit a cord that connects the power with several other wires that was wound up and taped to the main cord. No cord to a transducer, nor a transducer. The person now is not answering the phone at all. My question is what is needed to use this unit as a chart plotter, and a fish finder, or is it even capable of this. I went online and was not able to find what I was looking for. I found an owners manual PDF but it started after everything was hooked up, which I cant do other than supply power at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thank you for your time.