I've been wanting to get used to DI on my Helix 9 SI, but I'm not sure what I'm looking at...

I played with the DI a bit today, as my 2D was marking good fish arches here and there. So I went split screen with DI, hoping to see specks, hot spots etc as fish. What I noticed was a whole lotta nothing much.

I could see some specks that I'd consider crappie, white bass or other smaller fish, but for the most part the good arches I would see on 2d showed virtually nothing in DI.

I have not made use of DI much at all, mainly because the whole screen just looks dark due to silty, soft bottoms and deep water. It starts to look useful if I crank the contrast/sharpness waaay up. I did change to a green color pallet which seems to help a bit.

If I see arches in 2D (83/200hz) but nothing really in DI does that just mean its too far off to the side- or that its really not a fish in the first place? I did play with the narrow/wide DI settings and believe it was on medium most of the time today.

I have the 400hz transducer on my helix- but run it in 800hz mode. I am looking into the better transducer, but I utilize SI/DI so little currently its not a priority.

Does anyone have pictures of 2d /DI splits on a non-mega helix that might give me some baselines of what to expect?