i am very interested in the Garmin Striker SV. as I have stated before on this forum. If Garmin originally packaged these units with GT 52 transducers, how could they sell them for $499. They now pack them with clear view CT transducers. You can't find them with the GT transducers and to buy a GT transducer cost about $300 bucks.You can't buy them without a transducer.Did Garmin go up on the GT transducers after the lawsuit?Am I missing something? After reading this forum daily it seems that the GT transducers are the best performing. It would seem that Garmin would be better served if they would give a rebate to those who want or would prefer the better transducer. I don't have any warm fuzzy feelings toward Garmin and it seems they are milking a bad situation and taking out their loss on potential customers. Anyone else have funny feelings regarding this situation. ......thanks guys for letting me vent. Still have to come to some solution. thanks.....crappie1133