This Halloween would have been my fathers 97th birthday. Unfortunately we lost him to cancer 27 years ago. At his memorial a friend, that had grown up with me like brother, made a statement that sticks with me to this day. While he and I were looking back at dad’s casket, he said “you know if it wasn’t for him none of us would have got to fish, hunt, and learn as much about the outdoors as we did”. Boy, was that ever such a true statement. I so appreciate his effort and investment of time and money to expose all of us in the proper use and enjoyment of the outdoors. Sharing, sportsmanship, and respect to nature and others was important to him. His deeds have allowed so many of us to sow those seeds in people we’ve met and influenced during our lives. He very much belongs in the Fisherman’s Memorial section. I have always kept the memory of his laugh and pray I always can. Happy birthday in heaven dad, you are missed.