Well, again, i can't just pick one. Here is my set-up currently as far as line goes.... each techniques uses a different line!

For spider rigging, my rods are rigged with 10 pound, orange Trilene XL on spinning reels. I also use beads on my riggin poles. That bright line gives me visual reference, and the beads on the rod tip give me audio.

For single pole, which is on fire right now.... I am really liking me some plain ole Stren, in 6LB test, again, bright orange.

For crank-bait fishing, trolling or pushing, i will use the cheapest green braid, in 20 to 25 pound test, that i can find. When pushing, i use a 20lb mono leader off of the weight, and braid directly to the weight. When trolling them, i just tie a snap to the braid, and snap directly to the crank-bait.

There are so many different techniques out there, and even more variations of line styles. I really don't see Pico introducing a line of our own i=anytime in the near future. there are so many good options out there now, we, as fishermen, have it pretty good.
