Hey everyone, I had some time on my hands with my sweetie down at the youngsters house in Florida, so thought I would play around and try to copy some crawfish baits. First I had to make the molds and this is a two piece POP (plaster of Paris) mold. It's not finished as it is still drying. Then I need to Apply a couple of coats of a sealer to it before I can use it. So far two days are tied up in it.
Got the Idea from the internet. It's not real hard to make, just time consuming, with the major factor being attention to detail for the best possible molds. They will last a long time if properly taken care of. This is the most detailed bait I have tried. I will follow up with more pictures and details if their is interest. But there are a ton of videos on the internet on how to do it.
once you have the molds made and sealed, you can start, and the baits will be shiny just like store bought. These will be sealed with a 50/50 mix of Elmer's white glue and water. The idea is to have the sealer penetrate the plaster with out loosing any details, or softening the plaster. And the sealer will actually make the mold stronger. I will be sealing these tomorrow afternoon, and hope to be able to shoot the first ones on Sunday...Eric,AKA Jamesdean.