This green one is where this current run of plastics got its hold.

As far as natural goes, this one is just about it for me.

Lots of the crappie forage up here and especially in the Mississippi River appears almost transparent and the portion of those food fishes that doesn't seem clear always has some kind of translucent color to it. The water color has a great deal to determine what that translucent color will come off as so I like to have an assortment of colors to "match the hatch" so to speak.

Keith Pace, aka Microspoons, does a superior job of getting transparent colors to come alive and I really like his theory of designing colors that let natural light flow thru the baits and work off each other as well as the glitters and hi lites each color carries. To me, this idea is the best approach to mimicing those translucent baitfish we have up here. A person does need to carry an assortment of colors though so different water colors and daytime weather fluctuations can be adjusted to. All around, I think this green backed one is about as natural appearing as it can get. I strung one on a jig the day I shot them and tossed it in the river behind the house for a half hour and got a crappie and a walleye. It looked like food to me when it was in the water and apparently the fish thought so too.