I'm not here to ruffle any feathers as a matter of fact if you are human you don't have feathers. There is an Elephant in the room that I want to talk about. That is Signing up to fish a Crappie Tournament & you don't even boat 7 Fish. Yeppers I said it. Why because I want to understand it & to do that we have to have dialogue & discuss it. If I'm not able to compete I sit on the porch. I think it's crazy to pay to enter a Crappie Tournament & you can't boat 7 Itty Bitty Fish... ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE 2 GROWN PEOPLE ON 1 BOAT.. Any thoughts? I find it comical & I say it was a great day for the fish. You can weigh 7 & they not be big I'm cool with that. However, a WHOLE LAKE & YOU THINK YOU ARE TOUGH STUFF & CAN'T BOAT 7 CRAPPIE ESPECIALLY WITH 2 PEOPLE ON THE BOAT. I think you can only fish if you are told where to fish & got cocky on what you catch with that info & on that lake. Do you find it acceptable to not boat 7 Crappie after entering a Crappie Tournament?