Quote Originally Posted by TreednNC View Post
I've had it happen twice. Once after a harsh cold front, I weighed 4. I was new to tourny fishing and spent WAY too much time trying to make stubborn fish bite, rather than look for active fish. That said, only two teams weighed 7 fish.

The second time it happened it hurt the most. EASY fishing on MOST of the lake. I gambled and stayed in a small creek where the fish were skiddish, but much larger than anywhere else in the lake. I boated 6 all day, rather than gambling and running back down lake for smaller fish. I knew it couldn't be won anywhere else but where I was, and that's exactly where it was won, by the only other boat in there with me. Member here named Gobbler won it with some great fish. Won by over 2lb if I recall correctly. That said, even for an expert like him, it was still a tough bite. Could've went else where and likely had 7, but it was a haul from this spot to there. I wouldn't have changed anything about that day. I watched him catch good fish right beside me, I just couldn't get them to cooperate.
TreednNC this was a fabulous response sharing your experiences. Thanks for this. Seriously it sheds light on how tough Crappie Fishing can be. I still respectfully say to you, that "I will continue to scratch my head, smirk, grin, & be amazed at people that don't boat 7 Crappie in 6-8Hours hours after "Paying" to enter a Crappie Tournament." Telling me Nobody boated 7 except the winner or anything other than Boat Malfunction being stranded doesn't get a pass from me. Sorry, it sounds like a tough day but in the end my decision on my reason is lack of preparation, & lack of execution. Your heart felt experience though I'm warm & welcoming to you sharing falls in those same perimeters. Please don't hold that against what you feel about me.

You yourself said it yourself you chased Stubborn fish. 7 Keeper, Caught 1/2lb Fish, at 3 1/2 lbs beats a 3lb Crappie in weight if the main prize is total weight (excluding the Big Fish part of a Tournament) It's You against the Lake & Fish what others do is irrelevant to me. If I paid to be competitive "I'M CATCHING 7 CRAPPIE" Now just going out exploring a new lake, experimenting, or not competing/tournament mode? That gets a Pass. Competition/Tournament Mode I'm not claiming that in my Universe. Thanks again. Please always chat it up with me. I love the interaction & really appreciate you.