Well, funbun .... it took a little doing, but I did find this : Map Sales and Service and your "lake" is listed. But, I think I'd contact them, first ... to see if they will tell you exactly what the map will show, before spending $11 +s/h.

Considering what your "lake" really is ... a 1000 acre section of a river ... I'm pretty sure the contours will probably be in 10ft increments, or greater. I'm not sure, but there is a possibility that "fish attractors" may be marked ... but, those would likely only be the ones the state has put out, unless the public "brushpiles" have to be documented/permitted. Even so, that information would have to have been shared with/submitted to the mapping company.

Overall, I really doubt the map would be worth the cost. You would probably be just as well off, if not better off, to just get a topographical printout of the lake ... and just troll around & mark your brushpile spots, as you come in contact with them (either by running over them with the depthfinder, or into them with your bait).

Google Earth or Google Maps can be used to give you an overhead view of the length of the lake ... and you can "print screen" several sections of the zoomed in image ... and mark the spots you find. You could also make notes, on the map itself or back of the page, indicating depth the brush is in & any permanent landmarks that can be used to line up with/between, in order to fine tune the locations.

That's about the best I can offer. Have you looked around your local tackle businesses & Wal-Marts, to see if any maps are available ? If there are none, and your DNR or F&W Dept. doesn't offer any kind of 2D topo map ... making your own is your next best option.

... luck2ya

... cp