I picked up a whole bunch of corrugated pipe 6" at work , I cut it in six foot lenghts to allow me to bring it home. Well my idea was to place it out in about 12 too 15 foot of water . This way I could basically make a underwater forest to troll thru. Now on to my problem I need yalls insight on.

You can't fit 2 pieces inside a bucket . I really dont want to waste that many buckets to put out 300 of these things but then again I want to make a mine field with them being 5 or 6 feet apart. Just have some drifts set up in places that there are already spotty brush piles. Like 100 yard runs and move over 20 yards and follow another set .

I just have stuck one piece in a bucket and placed stakes protruding out at an angle , this looks pretty good and willl serve the same purpose .

Wonder if I could make a frame work system and use the pipe as vertical cover? I know I might be answering some of my own questions and to dumb to realize it, just wanted to know if anyone has figured a more productive way of utilizing this big of pipe. Please help I have got to get stuff in the water quick.

Thanks for you help and sorry for the rambling.