The winning numbers selected by the random generator was #102 and 611. I would like to thank all who entered. Winners please send me a PM with the size,color, shape, and size/type of hook you perfer. Here is a list of all the winners:

101=NYHellbender = 5 Bags
102 = pomme guy = 10 Bags
103= slabin = 5 bags

610 = Hookedonslabs = 5 Bags
611 = Bob/MN = 10 Bags
612 = badgerloader = 5 Bags

In addition, I selected the following to receive 5 Bags and the reasons.......

Duncan ........He used his first post on to enter the contest
jimp.............He posted thank you thread on the last contest 05-01-13

Thanks for supporting and Litewirehooker