• Arkansas Crappie camp pics 2014

    Well folks I hope everyone had a great time, got plenty good food, and got plenty of fishing stuff. I tried to do things a little different with the raffles and my goal was that everyone got something and had an equal opportunity at the big ticket items. Thanks to my family for there help and support. The raffle was also a great success along with the big fish tourney.

    There will be more Picts I am sure posted. I was pretty busy with the raffle and Just didn't have time to take many. I thought the raffle went very fast and smooth considering the amount we gave away!!

    Please if you visit or see any of the sponsors or patronize there business tell them thank you. Without them there would be no raffle.

    Every child walked away with a ton of hand tied jigs made possible by the crappie.com tying forum folks also. A big thanks to those people. Big tex has pics of them.

    On another note. Anyone interested in a motor mate for your boat please contact me as they are offering the Arkansas crappie.com folks a discount. A great product they have.

    See Midsouth man for the silent stalker also. Not sure but I will ask if he may can work on us a group deal too.

    They folks that own gift certificates I included the info you need to use them. Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. If you obtained something you cannot utilize then contact me and see if we can work something out. I hope all had a great time and thank you for attending the camp and participating in the great fellowship.

    Big thanks to jiggermax who couldn't attend Saturday but drove up on Friday to give items utilized on Saturdays cooking. I am sure Russ will come on a day a few words. A lot of folks behind the scenes made this happen including cooks, angels, and others.

    Thank you all!!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Crappie camp pics 2014 started by arkansasbowhunter View original post
    Comments 11 Comments
    1. kycreek's Avatar
      kycreek -
      Looks like you all had a great turnout. Good times.
    1. Speckanator's Avatar
      Speckanator -
      Awesome get together....thanks for sharing
    1. CCcrappiejohn's Avatar
      CCcrappiejohn -
      Good time for all, thanks for sharing.
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Sounds like everyone had a good time and you made alot of people happy.
    1. broz's Avatar
      broz -
      wow nice trunout
    1. Hoosier Crappie's Avatar
      Hoosier Crappie -
      nice pics!
    1. Eaglehorse's Avatar
      Eaglehorse -
      Thanks for sharing. Great pics!
    1. slabbacks's Avatar
      slabbacks -
      Nice turnout is right! Thx for the px
    1. pesce's Avatar
      pesce -
      Can someone tell me when the Arkansas crappie camp is held and what lake. I travel to Hot Springs quite frequently and could possibly attend this camp.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      a big turn out
    1. specktacklure's Avatar
      specktacklure -
      wow, great turnout !!
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