• New Years Gift - Live Longer

    “We found that people who ate nuts every day lived longer, healthier lives than people who didn’t eat nuts,” said study co-author Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. The report, in tomorrow’s New England Journal of Medicine, showed that daily nut-eaters were less likely to die of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease. Overall, the daily nut-eaters were 20% less likely to have died during the course of the study than those who avoided nuts. (Peanuts, which are actually legumes, counted as nuts in this study).

    Read more here: http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/e...e-201311206893



    And most of all, have a Happy New Year.
    Comments 22 Comments
    1. Pool13_Jeff's Avatar
      Pool13_Jeff -
      Almond butter is very healthy for you, but can be very expensive. Additionally, much of what you buy has extra junk in it, so we make our own. Preheat oven to 350. Put raw, or at a minimum, unsalted almonds on a cookie sheet (we put them on parchment paper as well). Put in oven for 10-12 minutes, just to heat a bit and get the oil active. Put in food processor and grind until they turn to almond butter. You can't beat this!
    1. Rsw's Avatar
      Rsw -
      Great news! I am addicted to eating almonds.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      i have been told i am NUTS does that count ???
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Aww... Nuts!
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      You are what you eat!
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      thats nuts
    1. DRPEPPER's Avatar
      DRPEPPER -
      I think eating a bucket full of almonds put me in the ER a couple of years ago. I didn't get a good diagnosis since I also ate Mexican that evening. But, I gorged on some almonds since and had some labor pains again. So, I avoid them now. But, I will wipe out a can full of cashews in a couple of hours.
    1. jordy1380's Avatar
      jordy1380 -
      Haha go nuts to live longer!
    1. captankangaroo's Avatar
      captankangaroo -
      got to be better then a lot of snack food we all love!
    1. Eagle 1's Avatar
      Eagle 1 -
      for once I actually do something that is good for me !
    1. RogerA's Avatar
      RogerA -
      I eat a handful of almonds every day, love them.
    1. OtterMama's Avatar
      OtterMama -
      No one said you need to eat a lb. of nuts people. A 1/2 to 1 full cup can make a huge difference in your diet. Make your own trail mixes, put them on ice cream or in baked goods- just GO NUTS!!!!!!!!!
    1. OtterMama's Avatar
      OtterMama -
      Yogurt works great too!
    1. Idunno's Avatar
      Idunno -
      I love nuts, and I eat some every day!
    1. Drifty4's Avatar
      Drifty4 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Idunno View Post
      I love nuts, and I eat some every day!
      Awww nuts!!!
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Eat them pretty regular
    1. Luvfatslabs's Avatar
      Luvfatslabs -
      Glad to here, because I eat almonds daily
    1. GTDFisherman's Avatar
      GTDFisherman -
      Raw almonds and cashews are the best! Plain and sometimes roasted.
    1. kickingback's Avatar
      kickingback -
      Awe nuts...love them!
    1. Eagle 1's Avatar
      Eagle 1 -
      Does putting up with a nut cause you to live longer ? I am going to be an old, old ,man !
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