• Fishing report for Big Sandy for December 5, 2013

    Hi folks. Welcome to Richard Williams Outdoors. The water levels here on Kentucky Lake have been at 354.8 all week and are not supposed to change any time soon. The surface temperatures are in the low to the mid 40’s, but will go down into the 30’s if we get the cold weather that we are supposed to get.
    The crappie fishing went from pretty good to just about nothing at all. I got out on the lake earlier in the week and fished just about all day for only 6 fish. I have talked with several folks that have tried their hand at catching fish this week and have not talked with anyone that has had very much luck in the catching department. I’m not sure why this happened, but I really think it’s because the water temperatures dropped so quick.
    If it gets as cold as the weather people are saying it’s going to get this weekend, the water temperatures will drop quite a bit again, and then I think we will have a shad kill going on. And if that happens, the fish catching will absolutely stop for a while. When the water temperatures drop quickly, and schools of shad get caught in the wrong water Colum, their bodies cannot handle it and they will die by the thousands. Then as they sink to the bottom, the fish will just lie on the bottom and gorge themselves and won’t feed for several days or even a few weeks. The first sign of a shad kill is big groups of birds will be everywhere on the lake feeding on the dead shad.
    If it does get real cold this weekend, remember your pets and the animals that are outside. Make sure you have a warm place for them to get into. Either let them inside or put some old blankets or straw on the floor of your pet houses and make sure you keep fresh water for them to drink. And check on it often. Water will freeze very quickly in real cold temperatures. And if you have any livestock, put some hay or straw on the floor of the barn or shed so they can get out of the weather and have a dry place to go to.
    If we get the ice, sleet, and snow that we are supposed to get this weekend, just be careful out there folks. Stay at home if you can. Even a four wheel drive vehicle is dangerous in icy conditions.

    That’s about all the time we have for this week.
    See-ya on the water folks.
    Thanks for listening.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Fishing report for Big Sandy for December 7, 2013 started by 1weezer View original post
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      good report
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      good info.
    1. kycreek's Avatar
      kycreek -
      Always good to read you're reports.
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Thanks for the report. Would have thought it would have been better with the warm weather that came through.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Location, location & location.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      good report
    1. Idunno's Avatar
      Idunno -
      I have always wondered how long it takes the fish to adjust, after a rapid temperature change, and resume normal feeding patterns. Good report!
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