• A Wannabe... limit two days in a row.

    So I go fishing Lake Griffin with Shuorc two days in a row. We're in separate boats because I've got the crud. I have been coughing and hacking for two weeks now. I've stayed away from contact with others because I don't want to pass the crud on to them. Other than a few like Shu whom I speak to at minimum a boat lengths distance all I have is Abbey. I need to get better soon as I think I'm getting on Abbey's nerves!

    In the mean time I fish, and I work on my boat motor. Boat motor runs on one cylinder and par for the course, I catch only one Crappie each day two days in a row. On the way back in today, the boat motor starting running on both cylinders so now I'm hopeful that I'll catch two tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed.

    Here's a tip. Make sure you run your carburetors dry before you store your boat for 4 months!

    The entire Wannabe... limit I'm holding here from yesterday. Not sure if I ever explained it, but Wannabe... is a member on the Mississippi forum that is well known for "the fish" he catches.

    What a wonderful sunrise we had here this morning.

    Here's that one from today.

    And Abbey just enjoys the ride, and the quiet. She complains I talk too much when I ain't fishing!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: A Wannabe... limit two days in a row. started by Slab View original post
    Comments 17 Comments
    1. hawgdog's Avatar
      hawgdog -
      Great Pics
    1. mdperson's Avatar
      mdperson -
      hope you get to feeling better
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      she is upset
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      I know about that crud your talking 'bout. Glad you got to fish with a hero.
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Get well soon Ed.

      I should have called in and gone fishin' today. It's beautiful out today. The rest of the week looks ruff.
    1. Rsw's Avatar
      Rsw -
      Now, That's one cool looking dog!
    1. crappie4me2's Avatar
      crappie4me2 -
      I love the store and pictures.
    1. crappie legend's Avatar
      crappie legend -
      Glad u caught your limit two days strait, maybe u can catch a double limit tomorrow. LoL.
    1. RagflyJigMan's Avatar
      RagflyJigMan -
      Hey Ed, Brenda and I have that "crud" now. I am a little worse than her. Glad to see you and Abby having a great time.
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      even goobers catch one every now and then.
    1. ifish's Avatar
      ifish -
      Hope you get better soon. I use marine Stabil all the time. Had good luck storing my Yamaha 50 for several months. I never run it dry.
    1. STUMP HUNTER's Avatar
      LOL I have seen many of those limits! Hope you get over the crud soon,
    1. RagflyJigMan's Avatar
      RagflyJigMan -
      Hey Ed, ain't no way I got the crud from you my friend. It was well after you left before I got sick. Itys just something thats makeing its way around.
    1. Crappiegirl1's Avatar
      Crappiegirl1 -
      the pics you too on lake griffin r terrific
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      fantastic pictures
    1. PawPaw Gene's Avatar
      PawPaw Gene -
      Beautiful sunrise, beautiful fish, beautiful dog, not so sure about your mug shot. LOL

      Stabil in the gas for 5 years now without a hitch and I've let is sit for 4 month or more on a couple of occasions.

      For the Crud, I have a reoccurring case every year. This year the Doc told me to get on an antihistamine at the first sign of a problem and take Musinex DM at twice the dosage listed. It has help me tremendously and my case was mild this fall.

    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      get well you have some nice looking views in the pics
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